Forests: jewels of nature

Forest quotes.
image by google

First of all,let me tell you the truth, i love you , people loves you, the thing is, because you are beautiful.The thing is no-one is trying to make you beautiful.

It's like a natural feelings or i can say habit of human to get attracted towards whatever is beautiful in this universe. It is not wrong to say that nature is the gardener and forest are the flowers in which she is putting her efforts ,but as in our daily life, we care less to a gardener. Isn't it??

This recent pandemic, COVID-19 is the result of such ignorance. Animals are now adjusting themselves with the humans and their disease, even we don't have the vaccine, is now a part of us. A small virus is making noise globally, even developed countries are in their knees.

Experts and high intellectual people, talking about the environment but who cares, we are the humans and we forget the things after disaster has gone.
Why is the forest important?
Do i need to explain this.....
Everyone knows preservation and existence of forest is very important for the health of the earth and humans. Spending time in the green and forest reduces stress. Researchers at an international congress in Seoul have claimed that hugging a tree helps improve and relieve some of human stress, because greenery and nature have amazing healing effects on physical and mental health. Frequent walking in forests and green spaces relieves stress, improves mood and reduces anger and rage, and generally increases happiness and euphoria in humans.but do we really care? where are the forest dude?

It is being said that education is the way to get rid of these things but is that the only thing behind all these shits..obviously not those intellectual people and educated people are equally, or more than that, responsible for deteriorating our forest.People in the village still worshiping the goddess of forest.
what? ohh.. you people also don't believe in the goddess..she lives in the temples only, how can she be in those jungles, you might have also thought, isn't it?

People with power are still think villagers as fool, and 
you know well what they are doing...
If their believe is saving our ecosystem, don't you think it is the best thing.

So we can say, it is not only the education, it is the greediness that has caused so much chaos to our ecosystem. It is the nature of human being and can be change only by self thinking. 
Although we have shifted our-self to green manufacturing but that is not the only solution.

Strict actions against the people, who are responsible is to taken or time will come with another pandemic, nature will balance everything because if she can create, she has the power to destroy too. And i'm damn sure about this.

It's not my note, only a request- Save our forests,not to leave garbage in forests, pastures and waters. Forest, soil and water pollution in the forest causes these pollutants to be transferred to the life cycle of humans and animals.

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